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Afghanistan Civil Society Joint Working Group Declaration in Support of Civil and Peace Movement of Helmand’s People

30 March 31, 2018
Kabul – Afghanistan

War, violence and fundamentalism puts the people of Afghanistan and civil activists a step forward of anxiousness than any other time. Such concerns have reached to its peak, of which, men and women across the country has shown their hatred toward war and those of its supporters. The women’s participation in the civil and peaceful protest in Helmand shows their true hatred and abomination in this regard. The movement not only shows the love and patience of mothers but also their resistance to terror acts, killings and assassination of their children.
Afghanistan Civil Society Joint Working Group voices to those involved in war, the government, high peace council, the international community and the united nations so that to positively answer the youth’s killings or take actions seriously. Such seriousness of action must bring up the discussion areas from the existed opportunities so that to claim of peace and an end of war, based on which the people are sure of their save properties and children. The mothers across the country wishes to live in a peaceful environment along with their children’s and since then should not evidence the killings of them.
Helmand’s hunger strike, particularly the women’s movement against injustice and oppression is considered as an unprecedented in the history of our country. This civil movement against war, terror and killings is indeed a response to the inefficiencies and wrong policies of the government to brutal massacres of the people being done by perpetrators.
Afghanistan Civil Society Joint Working Group in support of the movement of Helmand’s people calls on the attention of national unity government, the international community and other responsible institutions to the following points:
The government must pay close attentions to the voices of such movements and must provide proper solutions for the peace process;

Alongside the government, the International Community and the United Nations must support the movement particularly women’s participation so that to assist the peace process and an end to war;
The National Unity Government must take serious steps against the promotion and recruiting war centers either within or outside the country;

The process of peace talks must be transparent and to the wants of the people and the results of such must be shared with the people, civil society and the media so that to be supported.

The High Peace Council can map the case of Helmand province for its peace plans, especially in boosting women’s participation in the peace process, and to further highlight the role of them.

The Government must give the right of observer to civil society in peace talks so that to increase the reliability of the process and further enhance it.

Afghanistan Civil Society Joint Working Group alongside of supporting the peace talks, suggests those being involved in war to announce ceasefire.

Afghanistan Civil Society Joint Working Group calls on to each individual to break their silence and step forward in deciding their future. Their silence to today’s turmoil and the fate of our future generations is considered as great error that curses the awake consciences of humanity. Sustaining the peace and security process is the responsibility of every citizen of the country and every individual must honestly be committed to it!

Sustained peace is our dream

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