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Civic education and Community dialogue 16 Moshkvani village Shakar Dara

The program has been conducted for 30 female participant hosted by DSAWCO in Moshak Vani village of Shakar Dara district. The program has been conducted in the house of a resident in the village. Based on agenda, the program has been started. In the first session we have provided information about the history, democracy, parliament, and legislation procedure. Participant said, that people should be informed of the law and the democracy culture, and parliament should always represent the public interests and try to follow up the people’s problems.

In the second session, we have provided information about the judiciary power, election, human rights, and civil society. Ladies have emphasized that the judiciary system should perform based on law, and everyone should not violate the law. According to the participants, the human rights means the rights of all human beings without and bias or difference between male and female. The participants were very motivated and interested to the topics we have discussed about. They were happy for participating to our program. The program has been ended without any problem and issue and the participant were fully satisfied from our programs.

In the second day we have conducted the social dialogue through which the people have shared their problems which are listed below:

  • Lack of religious schools,
  • Lack of electricity,
  • Lack of health care clinics,
  • Lack of proper roads and streets,
  • Lack of literacy courses,
  • Lack of tailoring and handicrafts courses,
  • The female school is so far away from village.

Lack of electricity has been recognized as the main problem.

Ministry of energy and water and influential villagers are being recognized responsible for the problem. People have criticized them for their poor performance in this regard. In the end, an advocacy group have been formed to follow up the problem.




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